Franic Z: MEDLINE/PubMed Database
Citations available: 19

1. Petrinec B., Franic Z., Bituh T. and Babic D. Quality assurance in gamma-ray spectrometry of seabed sediments. [Article] Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju. 62(4):17-23, 2011.

2. Maroviæ G., Franic Z., Prliæ I., Skoko B., Branica G., Senèar J.. Aktualna izloženost opæe populacije u Hrvatskoj ionizirajuæem zraèenju. Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju. 61 (Suplement): 61-67, 2010.

3. Hanžek B. i Franic Z. Dragutin Mayer i Božo Metzger - velikani znanosti o zraèenju i zaštite od zraèenja u Hrvatskoj. [Article] Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju. 61(4):479-498, 2010.

4. Franic Z., Lokobauer N. and Marovic G. Radiostrontium Activity Concentrations in Milk in the Republic of Croatia for 1961 - 2001 and Dose Assessment. Health Physics. 87(2):160-65, 2004. Aug.  Abstract | Complete Article

5. Franic Z. Iodine prophylaxis and nuclear accidents. Arhiv Za Higijenu Rada i Toksikologiju. 50(2):223-33, 1999 Jun. 10566200   Abstract | Complete Article

6. Franic Z., Lokobauer N. and Marovic G. Radioactive contamination of cistern waters along the Croatian coast of the Adriatic sea by 90Sr. Health Physics. 77(1):62-6, 1999 Jul. 10376543   Abstract | Complete Article

7. Franic Z. How to use and cite Internet resources, with special attention to radiation protection and health physics WWW sites. Arhiv Za Higijenu Rada i Toksikologiju. 48(3):323-34, 1997 Sep. 9501635   Abstract

8. Franic Z. Radiotoxicity of tritiated water and tritiated hydrogen. Arhiv Za Higijenu Rada i Toksikologiju. 47(4):359-67, 1996 Dec. 9127504   Abstract

9. Franic Z. More about equivalent dose and dose equivalent. Health Physics. 69(2):287-8, 1995 Aug. 7622383   Abstract | Complete Article

10. Franic Z. Radiation doses due to human exposure to cosmic radiation in the Republic of Croatia. Arhiv Za Higijenu Rada i Toksikologiju. 45(3):231-40, 1994 Sep. 7763185   Abstract

11. Franic Z, and Lokobauer N. Radiocaesium activities in wheat in Croatia. Arhiv Za Higijenu Rada i Toksikologiju. 45(2):141-50, 1994 Jun. 7980022  

12. Franic Z. Equivalent dose or dose equivalent?. [Croatian] Arhiv Za Higijenu Rada i Toksikologiju. 45(1):39-54, 1994 Mar. 8067912  

13. Franic Z. and Lokobauer N. 90Sr and 137Cs in pilchards from the Adriatic Sea. Arhiv Za Higijenu Rada i Toksikologiju. 44(4):293-301, 1993 Dec. 8192602  

14. Lokobauer N., Franic Z. and Bauman A. Protection of the Croatian population from accidental radioactive contamination of the food chain. [Croatia] Arhiv Za Higijenu Rada i Toksikologiju. 44(1):55-64, 1993 Mar. 8347101  

15. Franic Z., Sencar J. and Bauman A. Speeding up meat decontamination by freezing. Health Physics. 65(2):216-7, 1993 Aug. 8330971  

16. Franic Z. and Bauman A. Radioactive contamination of the Adriatic Sea by 90Sr and 137Cs. Health Physics. 64(2):162-9, 1993 Feb. 8449710  

17. Franic Z., Maracic M. and Bauman A. Radioactive contamination of cistern waters along the Croatian coast of the Adriatic Sea. [Croatian] Arhiv Za Higijenu Rada i Toksikologiju. 43(4):329-37, 1992 Dec. 1297309  

18. Franic Z. Estimation of the energy fraction emitted by alpha particles in the mineralized part of trabecular bone which is absorbed in the bone marrow. [Croatian] Arhiv Za Higijenu Rada i Toksikologiju. 40(1):29-36, 1989 Mar. 2803007  

19. Meniga A., Beuc R., Sankovic K. and Franic Z. The influence of the type of polymerization upon the discoloration of composites. [Croatian] Acta Stomatologica Croatica. 22(2):135-40, 1988. 3273003  

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